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Services Category: Robotic Cells

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Robotic Cells for Industrial Automation – CUT

WELCOME TO INDUSTRY 4.0​ Robotic Cells – CUT A complete automated robotic cell, including the robot and all components necessary for its safety and use. Accelerate your production and reach high levels of quality and repeatability! Why use robotic cells? Most applications in cutting, sanding, polishing, etc, worldwide are done manually, this process entails: Ergonomic

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Robotic Cells for Industrial Automation – MOLD

WELCOME TO INDUSTRY 4.0​ Robotic Cells – MOLD A complete automated robotic cell, including the robot and all components necessary for its safety and use. Accelerate your production and reach high levels of quality and repeatability! Why use robotic cells? Most applications in cutting, sanding, polishing, etc, worldwide are done manually, this process entails: Ergonomic

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Robotic Cells for Industrial Automation – WOOD

WELCOME TO INDUSTRY 4.0​ Robotic Cells – Wood A complete automated robotic cell, including the robot and all components necessary for its safety and use. Accelerate your production and reach high levels of quality and repeatability! Why use robotic cells? Most applications in cutting, sanding, polishing, etc, worldwide are done manually, this process entails: Ergonomic

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Robotic Cells for Industrial Automation CLT

WELCOME TO THE INDUSTRY 4.0 Robotic cells – CLT A complete automated robotic cell, including the robot and all the components necessary for its safety and use. Specially designed for machining large pieces of wood, ideal for the civil construction sector! Why use robot cells? Most of the applications of cutting, sanding, polishing, etc, worldwide

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